If you want to make a faux fur dog blanket then this simple crochet pattern is the one to try. The faux fur yarn is great to crochet with and works up easy plus, I can almost guarantee your pup will thank you! 🙂

Read on down to find the free crochet dog blanket pattern and get started today.

Faux Fur Crochet Blanket for Dogs
Learn how to make a faux fur crochet blanket with the free pattern below!

Faux Fur Dog Crochet Blanket Pattern

I am so excited for you to check out this simple dog blanket! I can promise it is easy to make, and I can also promise your pups will love it too.

It is tested and approved by my pups!

I was inspired to make this furry blanket because Penn and Clyde (my pups) love to lay on my bed and look out the window. Since this is a daily occurrence I always throw a blanket on the bed and I thought this yarn would make a cozy and beautiful blanket for my bed.

I have seen these types of faux fur blankets ALL over the internet for dogs, so I figured I would create my own for my dogs. You may have seen a similar pet throw on Amazon or on Facebook ads recently. I know I have. LOL.

How to Crochet a Dog Faux Fur Blanket

This yarn is amazingly soft and easy to work with but the furriness does make it hard to see stitches, so I stuck with just the single crochet (sc) throughout. Uses the single crochet will make it 100% easier to crochet this faux fur blanket!

Learn more about the single crochet here or watch a video tutorial about it here.

The single crochet makes it a little easier to feel exactly where the stitches are and gives a little room for error. You will need to check and make sure your blanket is straight as you go.

I made a video of me crocheting with this yarn, so you can see how you have to search for the stitches when you are working. It is easy. Promise! Take a look at the video here.

The blanket's initial chain will be the length, and the rows we work up will be the width. If you'd like to change the size, you can! Just start with any number of a starting chain and work up the pattern as written, or you can use our blanket resizing calculator for complete starting chains, yardage and rows needed.

I did not figure out the exact yardage for every size blanket, but I will have the amount I used for this example listed below in the pattern.

No worries though! I know you can do it!

Faux Fur Crochet Blankets

How to Get a Perfectly Even Crochet Blanket

When I was crocheting mine, I got about 10 rows in and realized that something was wrong. The blanket was starting to make a rainbow shape when I laid it out flat, which meant that my initial chain was done too tightly. So, I knew that I had to frog it all!

To get a perfectly even crochet blanket, I started over and made sure my starting chain was looser than before. To make it a little easier you could size up a crochet hook for the starting chain then switch the 9 mm as I used. I used an aluminum hook, but any brand of hooks will work fine.

Dog Blanket using Faux Fur Yarn

Where to Buy Go for Faux Yarn

You have a three options on how to get this beautiful fur yarn into your hands.

  1. First, check Lionbrand.com. They always run great sales and will usually have the color in stock you need.
  2. Second, Amazon is a great option. They have most of the colors in stock and have FAST shipping!
  3. Third, you are going to want to take a look at Walmart. Walmart is inexpensive but has limited stock in stores. You can try online or just head in and hope for the best.

You will need approximately 7 skeins of the Go for Faux Yarn from Lion Brand to create the dog blanket size written below. It also happens to be the perfect size for you to use to cuddle on a couch with, too! Either way will work and be cozy.

Let's Get Started

Now that you know all the materials and supplies you'll need, read on down to get started on your dog blanket.

Faux Fur Dog Blanket Pattern

Skill Level: Basic

The Yarn

  • Yarn: Go for Faux Yarn by Lion Brand or super bulky 6 weight yarn
    • Color: Chinchilla
  • Amount: 455 yards (700 grams) which is approximately 7 skeins of this yarn.
    • Note: 1 skein has 65 yards
  • Scissors
  • 9 mm crochet hook (any brand of hook will work!)

Finished Size

  • (approximately) 50 x 45 inches when made as written


  • 4 sc's by 4 rows = 4″ x 4″

Pattern Notes

  • This pattern is written in standard US terms.
  • Count stitches in every row as you go for a perfectly even blanket.
  • You can learn how to change yarn in crochet at the end of a skein here.
  • Have a question about this pattern? Ask them in our Easy Crochet Facebook Group. Although I'd love to answer all questions personally, it is overwhelming answering emails. I do pop in the Facebook group a couple of times a week and would love to answer any unanswered questions in there the best I can.

The Pattern

Foundation Row: Ch 51, in the second ch from the hook sc, sc into each ch across, turn. (50)

Row 1: Ch 1, in the 1st st sc, sc into each st across, turn. (50)

Row 2- 45: Repeat row 1 (50)

Finishing: Fasten off and weave in ends with the crochet hook back and forth 3 times in different directions to secure.

Go for Faux Crochet Blanket

Thanks for checking out this design, and I hope you liked it.

More Free Crochet Blanket Patterns